Do you love your neighbours? Do you have someone in your street who goes the extra mile to help create a great community?
Tell Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support what makes your neighbour great, and win an emergency Grab and Go bag for yourself and your family valued at almost $200. And a fun barbecue for your street later to celebrate.
“We have some amazing streets full of friendly and helpful neighbours around the Western Bay,” says Neighbourhood Support General Manager Bruce Banks.
“We want to know where these great people are, and reward them with a full-sized Grab and Go bag full of all the essentials in an emergency for the person who sends in the best entry. It’s also a perfect time to refresh your emergency supplies after the tsunami alert we all had last week.
It’s Neighbours Day later this month so it’s time to celebrate our neighbours and what they do to make our communities safe and resilient. There are also $50 supermarket vouchers to be won for runners up.
“There are 16,000 members of Neighbourhood Support in the region, and all of them have a reason to love their neighbours and help create a resilient community. Could yours be a winner?”
Nominate your neighbour by emailing by March 31.